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Turn Your Dreams Into Reality | The Garage Norwich

Covid had a huge impact on culture and the arts the world over. When life returned to normal, The Garage, Norwich needed fresh promotional content to encourage people to return to the arts and start following their dreams again.

The Garage selected video production company, Lambda Films, to produce their new recruitment campaign, Turn Your Dreams Into Reality. This campaign announced the re-launch of the courses on offer, promoting the variety of opportunities available.

The films are designed as a series to inspire people of all ages, and demographics. Hopefully, encouraging them to take up an artistic course at The Garage, Norwich.

The creative concept was largely established before Lambda Films came on board. However, we were able to suggest narrative changes, and technical improvements to elevate the short films further. All the performers in front of the camera were genuine Garage artists. We thank them for showcasing their own unique talents and skills for the benefit of the films.

The final series included dance, play, move, sing and perform.

For a behind-the-scenes look at how we achieved the films, we have a short breakdown on our blog, Spotlight: The Garage.

Lambda Films is a specialist in educational video production. Additionally, you can view some of our other third-sector video projects.

Finally, to work with us in the East of England, check out our services on the local video production Norwich page.