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corporate / science

Woolmark | True Circularity

Woolmark is on a mission to change fast fashion, and encourage the industry to use more wool in the design and the manufacture of clothing. Woolmark’s message is that Wool represents true circularity. A fully sustainable material.

To help articulate their message, 2D animation production company, Lambda Films, produced a collage-style animation for Woolmark. We combined photography, with original design and digital illustrations. This creative approach formed a fun and playful explainer animation that helped outline the Woolmark position.

Our creative approach was loved by the client, who requested additional promotional material for the campaign. This included posters and brochures – not something we usually do!

You can read more about Woolmark and the circularity of wool, take a look at their article on Sustainability.

For projects in the East of England, check out our services on the local animation Cambridge page.