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Imperial Plus

Imperial College London needed a friendly University animation to help explain its Imperial Plus service to students. London Animation Company, Lambda Films has a strong history of producing video and animation work for the education sector, so we were happy to accept. We committed Trisha’s story to animation to help explain the benefits of the service.

Imperial Plus is the university initiative that runs management and leadership workshops for Students. This program helps students get recognition for their volunteering work, in fields that interest them. However, the Imperial College London required a University animation to help spread the word of Imperial Plus. The animation team in London worked with the London-based institution to conceive a creative concept, style and approach to their animation.

We based our animation on the real-life experiences of one student, renamed Trisha. We took Trisha’s experience with Imperial Plus and designed a series of characters and scenes around her story. The characters were considered, and designed in an abstract manner. Therefore, this ensured playfulness and diversity, without leaning too heavily on realism.

Lambda Films is a specialist in educational video production. You can see more of our animation projects with Lancaster University | StatScale and The Earlham Institute.